OverflateXperten Renovates and Protects Glass on North Sea Oil Rig with ClearShield Eco-System®!

OverflateXperten in Norway is Ritec’s official Marketing Partner in the region. They possess a lot of experience renovating and protecting glass on-site, and are specialists with glass on oil rigs and platforms in the North Sea.

One area where glass has to be maintained properly is located in the driller’s cabin. The visibility of this glass is easily ruined as oil and mud will inevitably contaminate it. Additionally, harsh cleaning products and the aggressive sea environment itself will accelerate glass corrosion, again affecting visibility. Poor visibility can potentially result in accidents and therefore the operation risks being shut down by the Health & Safety Executive; shutting down an oil rig costs on average £75,000 / $100,000 a day.

The solution? The award-winning ClearShield Eco-System®. The System renovates, protects and maintains glass – even those exposed to harsh marine conditions – upgrading it to ClearShield Eco-Glass®, making its surface ‘non-stick’ and easy-clean. This means the glass looks like new for longer, visibility is maximised and maintenance is significantly easier.

At Ekofisk Oil Field in the North Sea, this was a problem for a particular driller cabin. The glass was not maintained properly and the harsh environment resulted in it becoming virtually opaque. OverflateXperten were called in to renovate the glass to an ‘as-new’ appearance before protecting the glass with ClearShield® glass surface treatment. Thanks to ClearShield Eco-System® treatment, the glass was upgraded to ClearShield Eco-Glass®, so now the driller operator has maximum visibility, helping to avoid expensive shutdowns.

For more information about the many benefits of ClearShield® on offshore applications, please visit: www.ritec.co.uk/offshore.

Safety First at Ritec with RoSPA Membership!

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It gives Ritec International immense pleasure to announce we are now a member of RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

Being a member of RoSPA gives Ritec access to more than a hundred years of experience in the field of safety and accident prevention, and the challenges faced within the manufacturing sector. It means we are able to access a wide range of specialist courses, audit and consultancy services designed to ensure that we manage our health and safety effectively.

So from our office workers to warehouse staff to on-site applicators, safety always comes first and RoSPA membership demonstrates Ritec’s commitment to the cause.

For more information about RoSPA, please visit http://www.rospa.com.